Emissions Auction App
Designed within a 2-week discovery period, the Emissions Auction application (brand obscured) was designed to greatly simplify the process of creating and trading within the European emissions market.
Created to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective manner, the EU Emissions trading system sets a cap on carbon emissions and distributes emissions allowances to different industries, which can then be traded between businesses. This application provides an interface where allowance auctions can be created and exchanged.
Tasked with the redesign of an existing application, I aimed to simplify workflows, which were distributed across multiple tabs, screens and redundant tables, and provide users with a single-page, easy to navigate interface. Within this single-page navigation, expanding/collapsing animations allow the users to focus on the work and information they really need, preventing information overload (which was identified by users as a major flaw from the previous application during an initial workshop).
A complex element of this system was an interconnected web of permissions, from auction creators, bidders, analyst and administrators, which required careful layout of the different features in a way that was compatible with the single-page vision.
The application was designed to be white-branded, so that the tool could distributed to different auction platforms across Europe. The prototype video, where the overall navigation is demonstrated, sports a different look which comes from a simple brand colour swap (and the removal of other brand-related information for the purposes of this portfolio).
- Designed in 2017
- Duration: 2 week engagement
- Platforms: Desktop
- Tools: Sketch, Principle